Написати твір:
You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she tells you that he/she has been admitted to a university and will have to more to another city and live in a student's hostel. He/she in anxious about the situation because he/she can't cook. Write a letter ai which you say

Whether you often cook and why( or why not)
How you share household duties in your family and
Give a recipe for a simple dish.( ingredients and preparation)


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

My dear friend!

I was very glad to receive your letter!


Don’t worry about cooking! I think it is not a problem! As for me I don’t often cook. I have no time and in our family my mother and my grandmother are cooking every day. I cook only one time a week. I want to give you a recipe of a very simple dish. Take some vegetables – everything you have – some potatoes, some carrots, an onion, a pepper. Take some chicken or sausages. Cut everything and put it to the dish. Then took two eggs, add some salt and pepper and shake it up. Add to your dish. Then grate some cheese. Roast it in the oven. In 30 minutes it will be ready. You see – it is very simple and very tasty!

Try to cook it and then write me!


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