Dear friends, I know that you have been to Canada. It is great! Do you want to know about me? Last week I did a lot of things. I…….. Today i have done a lot of things, too. I have…. Next week I am going to….

marimari07: перевести?
Ксюнечка1980: На прошлой неделе я сделал много вещей. Я испекла торт, купила новые туфли, есть три хороших оценок в школе. Сегодня я сделал много вещей, слишком. Я играл на компьютере, чистить мою комнату и приготовила ужин. На следующей неделе я собираюсь навестить бабушку и сходить в кино с моей подругой. Пока мой дорогой друг
Ксюнечка1980: Last week I did a lot of things. I made the cake, bought new shoes, there are three good grades in school. Today I did a lot of things, too. I played on the computer, cleaned my room and cooked dinner. Next week I'm going to visit my grandmother and go to the movies with my friend. Bay, my dear friend.


Ответ дал: ЭлШнайдер
i helped my mom with holiday dinner, cleaned our flat !
i have done all my home task.
i am going to visit a gym with my friends and visit my granny!
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