помоги надо правильно составить предложение и ответить на них

your sitting are parents the in kitchen?
Are your parents sitting in the kitchen?
Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.
1 you homework your doing are?

2 dinner your having you parents are with?

3 Mum your wearing is trousers?

4 your playing and games you computer friend are?


Ответ дал: unicorn0o2
1. Are you doing your homework?
Yes, I am/ No, I am not.
2. Are your parents having dinner with you?
Yes, they are/ No, they are not.
3. Is your mum wearing trousers?
Yes, she is/ No, she is not.
4. Are your friend and you playing computer games?
Yes, we are/ No, we are not.
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