Ex.2 Translate into English 1)Он думал,что его товариши работают ,и не хотел им мешать.2)Он знал ,что они никогда не работали прежде.3)Он пологал ,что они будут работать вместе 4)Она знала ,что они обычно встают в 8 часовю


Ответ дал: LyaLyaFa333

1 he thought that his friends were working and he didn't want to disturb them

2he knew that they never had worked before

3 he supposed tha they would work together

4 she knew that that they usually got up at 8 o'clock

Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1) He thought his friends were working and he didn't want to interfere (disturb) them.

2) He knew that they had never worked together before.

3) He supposed that they would work together.

4) She knew that they usually got up at 8 o'clock.

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