Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Past Simple Passive.

All bread ______________________________ (to eat) yesterday.
The letter __________________________________ (to receive) last week.
Flowers _____________________________ (to sell) in the streets during the parade.
His new book _____________________________ (to finish) last Monday.
We __________________________________ (not to invite) to the concert last Saturday.
Rome ____________________________________ (not to build) in a day.
__________ your question ___________________ (to answer) at the conference?
When ______________ these trees _______________________? (to plant)
A lot of interesting games _________________________ (to play) at yesterday’s lessons.
These mushrooms _____________________________ (to gather) by my father.


Ответ дал: katarinao1
1. was eaten 2. was received 3. were sold 4. was finished 5. weren't invited 6. wasn't built 7. was your question answered at the conference? 8. when were these trees planted? 9. were played 10. were gathered 
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