добрый день, помогите пожайлуста правильно подобрать слова к предложениям How old, when, how often, how tall, how many, к 1...... did your mum make? a cake 2...... did you decorate the Crisrnas tree? with ornaments3. ......do you play jokes? - on April 1 last.4 .... presents did you get? five. 5.....do you celebrate New year? at home. 6..... do you like patries? Because they're fun. 7.......were you on your last. 8...... was your holiday like? it was fantastik! 9........did you go there? last month. 10. .....did you go there with? whith my friends. 11.......did you like best in the camp? the picnics in the woods. 12. . ... did you like the picnics? because they were fun. Спасибо


Ответ дал: Мася228337456
1.How often.
3.How many.
4.How many.
5.How often.
6.How often.
7.How tall.
9.How often.
11.How often.
12.How many
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