Мини сочение демократы на англиском


Ответ дал: albina573
Democracy in Greek means "government of the people" and "democracy." Many thousands of years the best minds in the world have tried to understand the trends of society and creating imaginary ideal future system. The controversy surrounding the concept of democracy does not stop in our time. After all, people's desire to create a truly just society, for the most part, gave rise to bloody dictators or, conversely, great humanists devastating war or bold reforms. In democracy, humanity has invented many arguments, but today there are at least evidence and against the social order.Since the days of ancient Greece and ending today, democracy understood primarily "quantitative". Even for such famous philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Seneca, democracy was the organization of such a government in which it has not one person, not even a group of people and all citizens.Today the main institution forming a democratic government and society is elections. After all, when democratic rule power of government comes only with consent of the governed her people. Therefore, the main mechanism that can turn this agreement into the powers of government are fair democratic elections. Unfortunately, in our time people are not willing to go to the polls because they do not believe that their vote can change anything. Modern democratic government, not only in our country, accused of violating the law of distorting the election results in the inability to perform pre-election promises. Of course, such people may understand, but only partially. Because they do not understand that their refusal to participate in the elections - a "disservice" to active voters.I believe that every citizen of Ukraine must understand that in addition to elections, other ways of establishing a democratic government in our time there. So anyone who wants to influence the economic and political situation in the country, anyone who wants the country was indeed the order should be involved in the formation of the executive and representative bodies and local authorities.Remember that every citizen of Ukraine should know that it can be considered a personal right to elect and be elected to government agencies not only a right but a duty to society. Because sometimes only one person's voice could be decisive in the destiny of the country.Thus, democracy - albeit a bad form of government, but nothing better than mankind has not invented. Today it really is.
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