Rewrite these sentences putting the verb in the passive.
1 My car / damage / last night. (past)
2 This computer / make / in the USA. (present)
3.The machines / make / in Scotland. (present)
4. The President / kill / last night. (past)
5. The money / change into dollars / at the bank. (present)
6. The parcel / post / yesterday. (past)
7. Cheese / make / from milk, (present)
8. The children / give /some food. (past)
9. The house / paint every year. (present)
10. Several people / be hurt / in an accident last night. (past)


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 My car was damaged last night
2 This computer is made in the USA
3 The machines are made in Scotland
4 The president was killed last night
5 The money is changed into dollars at the bank
6 The parcel was posted yesterday
7 Cheese is made from milk
8 The children were given some food
9 The house is painted every year
10 Several people were hurt in an accident last night

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