Помогите с Английским, все задания на листочке
Put the words in order.

a migh I it later rain think



Ответ дал: ASL185
b do you think they can see us?
d I dont think this answer can be correct (чесн не знаю куда the пихнуть)
c the experts say the climate may get warmer 
e The lights must be on because they are at home
f  Im not sure but you could be right
h the results cant be right because they are too high
b could
c cant
d could
e might
f cant
g cant 
h must
i can
j must
k cant
b can
c can
e may
f can
g can
h may
i can not
j can not
k may 
b Could you swim when you were younger?
c That can be her car over there. (...)
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