Brian Potter has been sandboarding for the past seven years. He loves it because he can do it pretty much anywhere there is sand! He says, "I'm a real speed freak and I find nothing more exciting than to take out my board and whizz down the sand dunes." The general idea of sand-boarding is the same as snowboarding. People simply strap a board to their feet and slide down a hill. Brian says, "Last year, I entered the International Sandboarding Championships in Germany There wer around 50,000 entrants and l came 100th, so I was pretty proud."


Ответ дал: pro100chok1
Brayan Potter byl sandboarding v techeniye semi let. Yemu eto nravitsya, potomu chto on mozhet sdelat' eto pochti vezde, gde yest' pesok! On govorit: «YA - nastoyashchiy narkoman skorosti, i ya ne nakhozhu pregrad». Yeshcho Brayan govorit: «V proshlom godu ya postupil na mezhdunarodnyy chempionat Sandboarding. Bylo okolo 50 000 uchastnikov, i ya zanyal 100 mesto, poetomu ya byl ochen' gord ».
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