Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком.
В 4-х предложениях опиши сегодняшнюю погоду.
( nice, warm, cold, (not) pleasant, dry, rainy, cloudy, foggy, clear, snowy, sunny, hot).
1). It is .....
2) It is......
3) It is.....
4) It is.....


Ответ дал: ksenchik4
It is cold
It is sunny
It is not warm
It is not rainy.!!
Ответ дал: floghinov
1) Today the weather are very good . It's cold but sunny and clear !
2) It's nice and in the next days the weater will be warm
3) I saw that the weather very diffirent , today cold in the next day warm 
4) I love sunny weather and today I saw it
не знаю , как мог , так помог 
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