Напишите следующие предложения: а) во множественном числе 1. This seaman lives in Riga. 2.He has little free time. б) в единственном числе 1. This engineers work on the ship “Magnitogorsk”. 2. The navigators are in the chart-room now. III. Поставьте вопросы ко всем членам предложения: The motorman keeps regular watches in the engine room of a ship.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
I THESE seamEn live in Riga.
THEY have little free time.
б) This engineer workS in the chart -room now.
The motorman keeps regular watches in the engine room of a ship.
1.Who keeps regular watches in the engine room of a ship?
2. What does the motorman do in the engine room of a ship?
3. Where does the motorman keep regular watches ?
4. In what room does the motorman keep regular watches?
5. What does the motorman keep in the engine room of a ship?
6. What kind of watches does the motorman keep in the engine room of the ship?
7. Does the motorman keep regular watches in the engine room of the ship?
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