Помогите пожалуйста переделать вопросы в косвенную речь (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)


sogdianasss: А есть пример ?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
He asked me if I had ever been to a rock concert.
She asked him when he thought he would get married.
He asked her if she liked fast food.
I asked him what his favourite subjects were.
They wondered how often I went out with friends.
She wondered if I had got a pet.
He asked her who her favourite painter was.
He wondered what my family name meant.
I wondered if she went to bed before or after midnight.
They asked me what my favourite subjects had been in the primary school.
She wondered if they had got marks in the exams the previous year.
He wondered if I liked English.

danatacherfas: Спасибо ОГРОМНОЕ!!! :)
Juliyasha11: Рада помочь-)
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