Task 6. Выбери обстоятельство, нужное для данного времени. Выбери правильный ответ

1. The students of British schools wear a uniform.

a) usually b) yesterday c) next year d) last year

2. My family lived in the country.

a) every summer b) last summer c) next summer d) soon

3. He will read a book.

a) often b) a week ago c) in a week d) seldom

4. We are at school.

a) every day b) last month c) next month d) suddenly

5. They were in the zoo.

a) sometimes b) yesterday c) always d) tomorrow

Task 1 .Раскрой правильно скобки

1. Some days ago I ...(to be) in the theatre.


2. Next year our family ...(to travel) to the mountains. ______________________________________________________

3. My day always... (to begin) with a cup of black coffee. ______________________________________________________

4. He ...(not/to be) happy when I saw him last. ______________________________________________________

5. Where ...you (to be) last summer? ______________________________________________________

6. I ...(not/to go) to the park tomorrow, I ...(to stay) at home. ______________________________________________________

7. I not (to like)... pizza, I... (to like) hot dogs. ______________________________________________________

8. Who ...you (to play) chess with yesterday? ______________________________________________________

9. When ...you usually (to get up)? ______________________________________________________

10. Why ...he often (to behave) in such a way? ______________________________________________________

Task 7. Выбери правильный ответ

1. We often (to write) tests.

a) write b) writes c) wrote d) will write

2. Tomorrow they (to go) to Ann’s birthday.

a) go b) goes c) went d) will go

3. Yesterday I (to get) a good mark.

a) get b) gets c) got d) will get

4. My Mum always (to cook) very well.

a) cook b) cooks c) cooked d) will cook

5. We usually (to be) at school at 8.10.

a) be b) is c) are d) were

6. Some days ago my parents (to be) at the meeting. (на собрании)

a) are b) will be c) was

d) were


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