Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. 1.He was asked many questions. 2.The dictionary will be brought. 3. This material has been explained to us.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 He wasn't asked many questions.
Was he asked many questions?
2 The dictionary won't be brought
Will the dictionary be brought?
3 This material hasn't been explained to us
Has this material been explained to us?

женечка96: А если такое предложение. This film is much spoken about.
parljukljuba: Is this film much spoken about?
женечка96: A такие предложения. The apples were washed. This book is being translated.
parljukljuba: Were the apples washed? The apples weren't washed. Is this book being translated? This book isn't being translated
женечка96: А это предложение. This book has already been sold.( будет Is this book already been sold?)
parljukljuba: Is this book has already been sold?
parljukljuba: has this is book already been sold? Этот вариант верный
женечка96: А можно вкратце правила
parljukljuba: Минут через 20, т,к. занята
parljukljuba: В страдательном залоге времен present, past, future indefinite , в present, past, future continuous на 1 место в общих вопросах и на 2 в специальных выносится глагол to be. В остальных временах группы perfect и indefinite выносится вспомогательный глагол have/has, или shall/will. Надеюсь, понятно объяснила)
Ответ дал: olha1029
?- Was he asked many questions?
He was not asked many questions.

?- Will be the dictionary brought?
The dictionary will not  be brought.

?-Has been this material explained to us?
- -
This material has not been explained to us.

женечка96: A такие предложения. The apples were washed. This book is being translated.
parljukljuba: Were the apples washed? The apples weren't washed. Is this book being translated? This book isn't being translated
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