Перевести на английский язык предложения:
1.Я попросила его выбрать,и он выбрал. (досл.:так и сделал)
2.Мне нравится этот,экономичный.(Используйте слово one)
3.Они зарабатывают меньше,чем он.(зарабатывает)
4.Эта запасная покрышка надежная,а эта-старая. (используйте слово one)
5. Что сейчас делает этот механик?(наст.длит.вр.)
6. Попроси же ее приехать к нам.


Ответ дал: zorbing
1. I asked him to choose and he did it.
2. I like this economical one.
3. They get/earn less money than he does.
4. This spare wheel  is good, and this one is old.
5. What is this mechanic doing now?
6. Ask her to come to see us.
Ответ дал: Аноним
1. I asked him to choose and he did it.
2. I like this economical one.
3. They get  less money, than he does.
4. This spare wheel  is
reliable, and this one is old.
5. What is the mechanic doing ?
6. Ask her to come to  us.

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