Составить предложения на will 3 утвердительных,3 отрицательных,3 вопросительных.Буду очень благодарна


Ответ дал: emilyaabrekova
1 - will утвердительные
1) I will do my homework after school.
2) I will go to the swimming pool next Sunday.
3) She will go with me to the cinema after her gymnastic exercises.

2 - отрицательные
1) Micky won't go with me to the John's birthday party.
2) My friends won't go with my brother to cafe.
3) I won't help my classmates on exams.

3 - вопросительные
1) Will you go with me to these shops?
2) Will she go with you to the party next Monday?
3) Will Ricky visit his grandfather tomorrow?

Kpop3298: Огромное спасибо!!!!!
emilyaabrekova: Всегда пожалуйста))
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