Write questions to these answers......?- I was watching TV. What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday? 1)....?- He wasn't watching a ballet, he was listening to an opera. 2)....?- We were drawing a bowl of fruit. 3) She was having supper with her family. 4)....?- They were writing a test.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1)Was he watching a ballet?- He wasn't watching a ballet, he was listening to an opera.
2) What were you doing?или What were you drawing?- We were drawing a bowl of fruit.
3) What was she doing ? Или With whom was she having supper?She was having supper with her family.
4) What were they doing?или What were they writing?- They were writing a test.

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Juliyasha11: Рада помочь)
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