Помогите с английским, 8 класс. Пожалуйста))) Нужно ответить на вопросы.



Ответ дал: здравствуйте112
нужно на все 10 вопросов ответить?

здравствуйте112: 4.recently we had a Universiade. It was a considerable event for our country
здравствуйте112: 5.I have familiar graduates of universities. They have finished training few years ago.
здравствуйте112: 6.in my family all are responsible. But, unfortunately, there isn't a lot of such people.
здравствуйте112: 7.sometimes such feelings happened to me. This usually very personal.
здравствуйте112: 8.I am admired always by people who live problems of other people. These are volunteers.
здравствуйте112: 9.For example,parents are obliged to educate the child, and children are obliged to care for parents
здравствуйте112: 10.I always try to use all chance which life gives me. Sometimes it turns out, sometimes not very much.
здравствуйте112: Удачи!
Аделия14: Большое спасибо!
здравствуйте112: Не за что
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