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1.I thought that he (will finish/would finish) his work in time.
2.We were sure that our company (invested/ had invested) as much as $250m in the plant.
3.She knew many businesses (fail/ failed) in their first year.
4.They supposed that a new plan of action (is being developed/was being developed).
5.He realized that labour costs in some Asian countries (are/were/ had been) lower than in Britain.
6.The team leader explained that they (began/ had begun) with amarket research.
7.The sales manager reported that the company (is losing/was losing /was lost) its market share.
8.He said that the company already ( has started/ had started) to work on improvements.
9.The director said that they (encountered/ had encountered) a number of unexpected problems last year.
10.He said that such activities (are approved/were approved) by the government.


Ответ дал: Чогива
1. would finish
2. had invested.
3. failed.
4. was being developed.
5. were
6. began
7. was losing
8. had started
9. had encountered
10. were approved
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