Добрый день! помогите перевести правильно на английский язык фразы :"отвезите меня в отель"  ;  "наверняка у вас в окрестностях,недалеко от этого места есть памятники архитектуры, интересные места, или другие достопримечательности! Вы бы не могли мне организовать пешую экскурсию по этим местам, или сами их показать нам!"  ; "Мы хотели бы порыбачить в океане!не могли бы вы найти для нас лодку, удочки и снасти!Если- да,то сколько это будет стоить на весь день!"
Заранее спасибо за помощь!


Ответ дал: zorbing
Could you take me to the hotel?
I hope there are some architectural landmarks, places of interest, and staff like that in the neighbourhood. Could you arrange a walking excursion there for us or could you show us all these sights and attractions yourself?
We would like to go fishing in the ocean! Could you arrange a boat, fishing rods  and tackles? How much will it cost for a day?

Аноним: take me to the hotel, "" surely you around the area, not far from this place has historical monuments, places, or other places of interest! Would you mind me to organize a walking tour through the country, or do they show us! "" We would like to go fishing in the ocean! Can you find us a boat, fishing rods and tackle: If yes, how much it will cost the whole day! "Thank you in advance for your help!
natashecka50: Take me to the hotel" ; surely you in the surroundings,not far from this place there are architectural monuments, places of interest, or other attractions! Would you like to me to organize a walking tour of these places, or they show us!" ;We would like to fish in the ocean!not could you find us a boat, fishing rods and tackle!If Yes,how much it will cost for a whole day!
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