СРОЧНООО, сделайте плесс(
Past Simple, Past Continious, Past Perfect или Present Perfect? Прочитайте текст и употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
Alice works as a secretary in a large company but she (1)(has always/want)to become a famous detective.
Yesterday, at the end of the working day, Alice(2)(see) a strange man leaving the office.
She(3)(notice) that he(4)(wear)a raincoast although it(5)(be)hot and sunny. The man(6)(not see)her.
He quickly(7)(run)away and(8)(get)into and black car that(9)(arrive)just before the came.
Alice(10)(think)he was a terrorist.
She was frightined as she(11)(watch) a programms about bombs the night before.
So she(12)(decide)to the police.
They(14)(catch)her yesterday\'s visitor.
He is a well-known criminal who(15)(just/escape) from prison.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 has always wanted
2 saw
3 noticed
4 was wearing
5 was
6 didn't see
7 ran
8 got
9 had just arrived
10 thought
11 had watched
12 decided
14 caught
15 has just escaped
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