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Ответ дал: Rainymood
Shopping online is very easy and quick.  You just press the button and your order is  ready for delivery.  It is very convenient too because you can see all the possible models in one minute. A big variety  of goods can be seen on the screen and chosen to your taste in a couple of minutes. Shopping online is usually also cheaper and you can order things from different countries.  Delivery can take some time but not so long. 

Yet shopping online is not totally safe.  The biggest problem is that you can get things of the wrong size or different colour (everybody knows that colours look different on the screen). Also goods in reality can look much worse than in the picture on the Internet. Another problem is so called fishing sites that steal your personal information if you got connected to them. 

My personal opinion about shopping online is that it is quite a good thing.  However I prefer to buy rare books online.  I seldom buy clothes because I like to see them and to touch them before buying.  It is also necessary to try clothes on to be sure they are really your size and they feel comfortable. 
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