Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским.
use the prepositions before the -ing forms to complete the sentences
about, for, from, in, of. to

1) They succeeded.... teaching cybergs to feel affection towards humans.
2) My friend is interested … oncoming cybernation. He believes … cyborgs and humans living together in the future.
3) My little sister is fond … playing computer games and is never tired … doing it.
4) Future generations should prevent our planet … being destroyed by aliens from other planets
5) My parents blame me spending a lot of time in front of the computer
6) My son is looking forward … buying a new computer, but my aunt objects …his doing it. She is sure computers are capable … ruining the process of communication within a family
7) I’m dreaming … buying an iPod.
8) Our school authorities are trying to stop pupils … using mobiles at school.
9) I am used … taking pictures with the help of my mobile.
10) Forgive me … taking your disk without permission.
11) Jim apologized … choosing the wrong make of a personal computer.
12) Thanks … coming. I have been waiting for you so long


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 in
2 in-in 
3 of-of
4 from
5 for
6 to-to-of
7 of/about
8 from
9 to
10 for
11 for
12 for
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