1. Who can hear tears though 3 walls?
2.What was mother suggesting?
3.Why did Betsy have to look for a partner?
4.Whom did Betsy invite?
5.Did all agree to come?
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Ответ дал: yana14102004
1. Кто слышит слезы, хотя 3 стены?
 2.Что мать предлагаешь?
3.Почему Бетси придется искать партнера?
4.Кому Бетси пригласить?
5.Неужели все согласились?
Вот перевод ,а очём текст?

yana14102004: лучше напиши
ValeraShara: Он очень большой ну ладно
yana14102004: так по тексту ответь на вопрос
ValeraShara: well the result of this converstation was thah I suddenly felt very bad,and I raan to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed, and I cried.Mother can hear tears through three walls and soon I heard her vouce at the door.-"But 1' ve got a terrible headache"
ValeraShara: Блин
ValeraShara: Эт не все я случайно
ValeraShara: "I have an idia,"- Mother began.-"perhaps you d like to invite your friends to party here?" A party. For a whole year I had asked mother to let me give a party,and she had always answered,"It will cost too much,"or"Wait until you are 18,"and a dozen other reasons: now she was suggesting a party herself.Well,after that everywhere I went,there was Merry Ann with Sladen Morris behind her, like a big dog.
ValeraShara: I had always played tennis with Sladen whenever the weather wasn's wet: now I had to look for a parner, and I had to wathc him playing with Merry Ann.She ws a terrible player:she didn't even hold her rocket correctly.
ValeraShara: But she wore those little white tennis dresses that cinema actresses wear in the pictures and,to tell the truth.she looked very nice.I knew that the party would be a mistake with Marry Ann amobg the guests: but its was Mother's favurite subject.
ValeraShara: So I invited all the "nice young people" as Mother calls them,to come to our houses for dinner before the Country club dance.The all agreed to come - six boys who wanted a chance to be with Merry Ann,and five girls, including me,who came because the didn't want anybody to think the were afraid of the Merry enemy
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