1) in two month ,he (to graduate)_____ the university.
2) she ( to work) ____as a lawyer.
3) I (to finish) _____this article to the next day.
4) the poem so was so beautiful that it ____ (to learn) by everybody.
5) I hope the initiation ______(to accept) by everybody.
6) the letter _____( to post ) in half an hour.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) in two month ,he ( graduates) from the university.
2) she ( works) as a lawyer.
3) I (will have  finished) this article to the next day.
4) the poem so was so beautiful that it (was learnt) by everybody.
5) I hope the initiation (will be accepted) by everybody.
6) the letter (will be posted ) in half an hour.

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