помогите написать .
1. The letter (to bring) yesterday.
2. I (to show) to doctor .
3. He (to ask) to help.
4. George (to give) soup for diner.
5. The window (to break) last week.
6. The telegrams (to send) an hour ago.
7. The mushrooms (to gather) yesterday .
8. I (to teach) to ride a bicycle last summer.


Ответ дал: ShirokovP
1. The letter was brought yesterday.
2. I was showed to doctor .
3. He was asked to help.
4. George was given soup for diner.
5. The window was broken last week.
6. The telegrams were sent an hour ago.
7. The mushrooms were gathered yesterday .
8. I was taught to ride a bicycle last summer.
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