Поставить слова в Презент Симл или Презент Континиус 

1)She...(play) tennis every Sunday

2)Every mornin he...(drink) a cup of tea

3)Dad...(tall) to Mum at the moment

4)He usually ...(play) football every Saturday

5)She..(always/speak) over the phone for a long time 

6)Look!The baby....(walk)

7)I always ....(do) my homework


Ответ дал: zorbing
1) She plays tennis every Sunday - Present Simple
2) Every morning he drinks a cup of tea -
Present Simple
3) Dad is talking to Mum at the moment - Present Continuous
4) He usually plays football every Saturday
- Present Simple
5) She always speaks over the phone for a long time  -
Present Simple
6) Look! The baby is walking - Present Continuous
7) I always do my homework
- Present Simple

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