9 предложений на англ.яз в будушем времени (3+,3-,3?)


Ответ дал: ochenglupaya
I wiil do my homework tomorrow.
I will be taking part in the competitions tomorrow
I will and pass the math exam tomorrow
I won't be walking the day after
 won't feed the dog today
I won't buy new clothes this month
Will call tomorrow?
 Will help with homework in the evening?
 Iwill buy a notebook next week?

neznaika138: спасибо очень помог(ла)
Ответ дал: АнАннА
I will buy a new car.
I will bake a pie.
I will be your friend.
I will not write a poem.
I won't eat old candies.
I won't be with this man.
Will I clean the room?
Will l be in the garage?
Will I watch a movie?
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