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If it goes on like this, everyone ______BELIEVE______ in global warming.” Larry looked up. Jimmy was holding a paper propeller in his hands.

“I ______SEE______ the action film anyway. Let’s watch a cartoon for a change,” he said.
Now, she is making her further education plans, and her parents think she ______HAVE______ a brilliant career in science.“I know what I want to do. I ______CHOOSE______ the university I’m going to enter,” Kate said to the journalists.

In a few minutes I was there too. “Look,” Henry pointed at the ball. A little footballer ______DRAW______ there. “The Manchester United captain himself drew it there. It’s a lucky ball now.

“Look! I ______FIND______ him!” my little sister shouted. “He’s in the washing machine!” We watched in surprise as the cat got out of the washing machine.

They found a cafe where really delicious ice cream ______SELL______ The aunts told Andrew anecdotes from their school days that made him laugh a lot.

mazurienko01: “I ______LOSE______ my book somewhere here!” “Here it is,” John said, “but what’s it about?”
mazurienko01: “I ______PASS______ the exam! It was really difficult, but I managed it!
mazurienko01: “Don’t you know?” she said. “All the teachers __________ for a conference. Only the headteacher and a few of the school staff are here.
mazurienko01: However, she was wrong. Our substitute teacher, a student two grades above, was very serious. He said that he __________________ some French poetry to us.


Ответ дал: dudolga

1 will believe

2 I'll see

3 will have

4 have chosen

5 has drawn

6 have found

7 was sold

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