Помогите пожалуйста!!!! За ранее огромное вам спасибо!!!!
Complete the questions. Use the Present Perfect.
1. (buy)  ______you____________________a red pen?
2. (leave)______he_____________________for Moscow?
3. (see)________she____________________the film?
4. (read)_______you____________________the 

5. (come)______he_____________________home from school?
6. (make)______they___________________a toy plane?
7. (draw)_______she___________________a picture?
8. (do)_________you___________________your homework?
9. (catch)______the cat_________________a mouse?
10. (sleep)_____it______________________in that box?


Ответ дал: Catharsis
1. Have you bought a red pen?
2. Has he left for Moscow?
3. Has she seen the film?
4. Have you read the story?
5. Has he come home from the school?
6. Have they made a toy plane?
7. Has she drawn a picture
8. Have you done your homework?
9. Has the cat caught a mouse
10. Has it slept in that box?
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