II.  Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой
глагола “
to have” в Present, Past или Future Simple.


1.      I … no idea where
they are now.

2.      This text … a
difficult structure.

3.      Some of my friends
… their own cars.

4.      Last year we … big
problems but he helped us.

5.      I’m sure people …
cheap energy sources 50 years from now.

6.      Yesterday I … a
very unpleasant conversation.

Аноним: я не вижу ответа
vale1214: Та ниже опустись и увидишь
Аноним: спасибо нашла,в другой вкладке появилось


Ответ дал: vale1214
1) Have
5)Will have 
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1.      I have no idea where they are now.
2.      This text has a difficult structure.
3.      Some of my friends have their own cars.
4.      Last year we had big problems but he helped us.
5.      I’m sure people will have cheap energy sources 50 years from now.
6.      Yesterday I had a very unpleasant conversation.

Аноним: VIII. Поставьте сказуемое предложения в форму Future Simple.1. I (to bring) it back tomorrow.2. They (to start) the project next year.3. She (to come) to the airport to say us goodbye.4. We (to return) at 6 the latest.5. I don’t think this kite (to fly).6. The teacher (to check) the test tomorrow.
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