make questions and answers
как делать:is she going to swim?
no, she isn't
she going to lie in the sun
1 you / get up late? - get up early
2 the / surf the web? - play a lot of sports
3 he / hang out with his friends? - visit his relatives
4 she / stay at home ? - travel abroad
5 you / play the whole day? - help my parents about the house
спасибо заранее


Ответ дал: nightchanges
1 are you going to get up late? no, i'm not. I'm going to get up early
2 (возможно не the, а he) is he going to surf the web? no, he isnt. he is going to play a lot of sports
3 is he going to hang out with his friends? no he isn't. he is going to visit his relatives
4 is she going to stay at home? no she isn't. she is going to travel abroad
5 are you going to play the whole day? no I'm not. I'm going to help my parents about the house

Muzon3251: спасибо
Muzon3251: огромное
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