Use the present perfect countinuous or the present perfect to complete the sentences 1) I................(study) all day. Time of a break !2)Peter...............(join) the school drama club.
3) Jane................. (cook) for two days to prepare for the dinner party
4)Mum................(go) to the shops. She'll be back soon.
5)I....................(swim) all morning.I am so tired


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1) I HAVE BEEN STUDYING all day. Time of a break !

2)Peter HAS JOINED the school drama club.

3) Jane HAS BEEN COOKING for two days to prepare for the dinner party

4)Mum HAS GONE to the shops. She'll be back soon.

5)I HAVE BEEN SWIMMING all morning. I am so tired.

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