Use the words from the box instead of the underlined words and phrases in these sentences. Make a list of word combinations with the adjective 'nasty'. Слова:
1) The weather is bad. It's raining and it's very cold.
2) He gave me a number of books. 
3) It was a wonderful adventure.  
4) Did you like the party? 
5) He is an unpleasant person.6) I don't like medicine with a bad taste. 7) This place looks dirty. 8) The fruit looks nice but has an unpleasant smell.Помогите!

rubalovadiana: То есть подобрать к слову прелдложение?


Ответ дал: Natara1
1) The weather is nasty.
2) He gave me a pile of books.
3) It was an exciting adventure.
4) Did you enjoy the party?
5) He is a nasty person.
6) I don’t like medicine with a nasty taste.
7) This place looks nasty.
8) The fruit looks nice but has a nasty smell.

nasty weather - противная погода
a nasty person - неприятный человек
a nasty taste - противный вкус
(the place) looks nasty - выглядит ужасным
a nasty smell - неприятный запах
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