Please, help me.
If he … (be) my friend, I … (invite) him to the party.
If I … (be) taller, I … (become) a basketball player.
If an asteroid … (hit) our planet, it … (cause) an ice age.
John … (travel) around the world if he … (win) a lottery prize.
We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.
She … (not mind) if you … (borrow) her car.
If you … (move) to another city, I … (phone) you every day.
They … (laugh) at me if I … (sing) this song.
If we … (have) free time, we … (start) a new hobby.
If I … (know) her secret, I … (not tell) it to anyone.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
If he were my friend, I would invite him to the party.
If I were taller, I would become a basketball player.
If an asteroid hit our planet, it would cause an ice age.
John would travel around the world if he won a lottery prize.
We would go to Spain this winter if we had enough money.
She would not mind if you borrowed her car.
If you moved to another city,I would phone you every day.
They would laugh at me if I sang this song.
If we had free time,we would start a new hobby.
If I knew her secret,I would not tell it to anyone.
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