Помогите пожалуйста с английским..не могу понять.. Заранее спасибо.



Change each sentence so that means the same as the first one. The second sentence is started for you. Write down the missing words only

1. It's a pity I haven't rad this book. I wish__________.

2. My lunch break too short. My lunch break isn't _________.

3. You must keep these vegetables in the freezer. These vegetables___________.

4. She explained she had not got any money. She said "I____________.

5. I am not as pretty as my sister. My sister___________.

6. It;s a pity you haven't seen the performance. You should____________.

7. I like coffee better the tea. I prefet__________.

8. The students will have the next by 4 o'clock. The next__________.

9. But i could not accept his invitation. But I_____________.

10. My friend said "I am having here a good time". My friend told me______________.



Ответ дал: zorbing
1. I wish I had read this book.
2. My lunch break isn't long enough.
3. These vegetables must be kept in the
4. She said "I haven't got any money."
5. My sister is piettier than I am.
6. IYou should have seen the performance.
7.  I prefer coffer to tea.
9. But I was not able to
accept his invitation..
10. My friend told me he/she was having there a good time.

DiannaAgron: Спасибо огромное
zorbing: В задании в предложении 8, по всей видимости, пропущено существительное после слова next - без него предложение не получается переделать
DiannaAgron: Странно , у меня в задании на листке все так написано..
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