Плиз составьте простенький текст о истории какой-нибудь компании на английском. Буду благодарен.

Ерика14: В смысле о истории создания любого производства? Ты это имел в виду?


Ответ дал: LovelyEng
Microsoft Is a very large company and it create new details almost every day.Without Microsoft we would not probably have opportunities to improve computer"s things.It has offices almost everywhere Paul Allen and Bill Gates were the first to create Microsoft.

Аноним: Title adidas (a combination of the first syllables of the name and surname of the founder of the company) appeared in 1948. In 1949, the name was registered as a trade mark, the same has been registered and a symbol of adidas - the famous three stripes. In 1989 the company was transformed into a joint stock company after nearly seventy years of existence in the form of a family business. In 1995, the company's shares are quoted on the stock exchange.
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