Report the following imperatives using the verbs in brackets.
1. ‘Have a cup of tea,’ she said to her friend (offer)
2. ‘Work at your sounds and intonation if you want to speak well,’ she said to me. (advise)
3. ‘Please come and see me whenever you have a few hours to spare,’ she said to her friend, (beg)
4. ‘Don’t switch on the TV,’ he said to his little sister. (forbid)
5. ‘Don’t write too close,’ the teacher said to the student, (tell)
6. ‘Don’t go shopping today if you’re busy,’ the mother said to her daughter, (allow)
7. ‘Stop talking,’ he said to her. (order)


Ответ дал: dudolga
1. She offered her friend to have a cup of tea.
2. She advised me to work at my sounds and intonation if I want to speak well.
3.She begged her friend to come and see her whenever she has a few hours to spare.
4. He forbade his little sister to switch on the TV.
5. The teacher told the student not to write too close.
6.The mother allowed her daughter not to go shopping today if she is busy.
7. He ordered her to stop talking.
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