Моя улюблена їжа (якщо можна то піца 12 речень) англіська мова


Ответ дал: CoolBoy231
My favourite food is pizza , chocolate , cookies , ice-cream , chicken , fruits , vegetables , corn flakes , yogurts , sandwiches , burgers and beef.
Ответ дал: vidobrovolska631
Pizza is a favorite food for me. Because I really like when we are warm friends going to the movies, even with warm pizza. It associates me with warm memories. Of course, one of them is that I with my mother for the first time it was prepared. All the same, most delicious homemade pizza.
I also like the fact that a large selection of pizzas. I personally, like "Margarita" with cheese and partisan. It is very tasty. Although my own recipe she goes several times tastier.
This weekend we're going to meet again on a hot pizza. I hope this time it will remain in my good memories.
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