Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tence form.                                                               1._________ the children ______________ (to prepare) the concert by the end of July?               2. They _________ (to climb) the mountais two weeks ago.                                                     3. __________ you ever __________ (to be) to the summer school of English?                         4. What ________ Mark and steve _______ (to do) at that time yesterday?                               5. Where ________ they _______________ (to go) next month?                                               6. __________ the girls _______ (to discuss) the cultural presentation now?


Ответ дал: ГрибнаяФея
1. Will the children have prepared the concert by the end of July?
2. They climbed the mountains two weeks ago.
3. Have you ever been to the summer school of English?
4. What were Mark and Steve doing at that time yesterday?
5. Where will they go next month?
6. Are the girls discussing the cultural presentation now?
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