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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London
Tom spent two years in Africa
The House of Parliament has over 1000 rooms and 2 miles of corridor
The Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet
Show me the Canary Islands on this map, please
Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are played outside Oueen's dining room in Buckingham Palace
Does Mark speak Spanish?
The English Channel is between Great Britain and France
Gogol was born in Ukraine
It is warm in the Crimea and the Caucasus
France is to the north of Italy
These are the Himalayas. They are the highest in the world
Is Australia an island or a continent?
The Nile flows across the northeast part of the Mediterranean sea
He studies history at Harvard University. Every year thousand of student come to Harvard to study English
Ireland, Scotland and Wales are parts of the United Kingdom
The first man were vegetarian
There are seven continents on the Earth
December, January and February are winter months
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