Phrasal verbs.
1. You should take ___ a sport and then you would get more exercise.
2. I’m trying to work! Could you please turn your music ___?
3. Just ask and I’m sure the other children will let you join ___.
4. The referee sent David ___ for arguing with him.
5. This is my favourite song! Turn it ___!
6. A mobile phone rang, but the musician just carried ___ playing.
7. We can’t afford to eat ___ very often.
8. I’ve decided to become a vegetarian and give ___ meat.
9. As the plane took ___ , I held my mum’s hand tightly.
10. The door is open, so you can get ___ the car, if you like.
11. We were in a hurry and when we got ___ the bus, I realized I didn’t have a ticket.
12. The man selling the tickets told us to go ___ and come back again later.
13. It was raining when we set ___ on our walk, but it soon stopped.
14. We loved the hotel so we went ___ there the following year.
15. Ray fell as he was getting ___ the bus and couldn’t walk properly.
16. The taxi driver asked us to get ___ on the right because it was safer.
17. I thought I could trust you! You’ve really let me ___.
18. Do you get ___ well with your older sister?
19. As children grow ___ , they want more independence from their parents.
20. Dave has fallen ___ with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.
21. Ed was brought ___ by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.
22. I used to go ___ with Tony but we split ___ about a year ago.
23. I hate looking ___ my baby brother!
24. I came ___ this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
25. Jenny pulled ___ the handle so we can’t open the cupboard now.
26. I’d like to find ___ more about the being a computer programmer.
27. Our car has broken ___ again.
28. Dean was late for physics so he made ___ a story about being attacked by a cat!
29. Turn the TV ___ . This show is boring.
30. I’m going to throw these old shoes ___ . I never wear them anymore.


Ответ дал: 1979alena
Phrasal verbs.
1. take up
2. turn down
3. join in
4. send out
5. turn up
6. A mobile phone rang, but the musician just carried ON playing.
7. We can’t afford to eat OUT very often.
8. I’ve decided to become a vegetarian and give UP meat.
9. As the plane took OUT , I held my mum’s hand tightly.
10. The door is open, so you can get OUT the car, if you like.
11. We were in a hurry and when we got ON the bus, I realized I didn’t have a ticket.
12. The man selling the tickets told us to go OUT and come back again later.
13. It was raining when we set OUT on our walk, but it soon stopped.
14. We loved the hotel so we went BACK there the following year.
15. Ray fell as he was getting OFF /ON the bus and couldn’t walk properly.
16. The taxi driver asked us to get IN on the right because it was safer.
17. I thought I could trust you! You’ve really let me DOWN.
18. Do you get ON well with your older sister?
19. As children grow UP, they want more independence from their parents.
20. Dave has fallen OUT with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.
21. Ed was brought UP by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.
22. I used to go OUT with Tony but we split UP about a year ago.
23. I hate looking AFTER my baby brother!
24. I came ACROSS this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
25. Jenny pulled APART the handle so we can’t open the cupboard now.
26. I’d like to find OUT more about the being a computer programmer.
27. Our car has broken DOWN again.
28. Dean was late for physics so he made UP a story about being attacked by a cat!
29. Turn the TV DOWN . This show is boring.
30. I’m going to throw these old shoes AWAY . I never wear them anymore.
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