помогите сделать пожалуйста
1. These two boys are (all, every, both) good swimmers.
2. A tram is not so (quick) as a bus. It is (slow) means of transport.
3. Ann's eyes are not very good. She (has to, must) wear glasses.
4. How long they (be) married? - For five years. They (be) students then.
5. I'm not going (somewhere, nowhere, anywhere) tonight.
6. You (pass) your driving test yet? - Yes, I (pass) it last year.
7. i have (a, the, -) terrible cold and I'm staying in (a, the, -) bed today.
8. He began to speak (in, at, with) a low voice.
9. He earned (much, many) when he (work) as a computer programmer.
10. The children usually (play) in the park after breakfast.


Ответ дал: amromanovna
fast unquick
has to
were were
havent pass passed
a a
much worked
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