помогите пожалуйста!



Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. Father told me that my teacher had phoned him the day before.
2. Ann told her sister that the day before they had gone to the cinema.
3. Kate said that their teacher was ill. They wouldn't go to the library.
4. Robert said that he would do interesting project.
5. Linda said that she was a new pupil. She didn't know anyone in the class.
6. The police officer said to a woman not to cross the road there.
7. Mother said to Robert to read that book.
8. A shop assistant asked the man not to buy that bread.
9. Mike asked to wait for him. He was coming with us.
10. John told that he had gone to the beach last weekend. He offered us to join him next Saturday if we were free.
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