Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use them in present, past or future simple passive.
bury, respect, make, adm ire, contribute, share, im prove, study
1) The beautiful StPaul’s Cathedral always ... by tourists. 2) Thefa ­ mous novel “W ar and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy ... next year. 3) Many Russian tsars ... in Peter and Paul Cathedral in the previous centuries. 4) The money we’ve got ... between us next Saturday. 5) I am sure that such people never ... in the past, never ... now and never ... in the future. 6) I don’t know when this discovery ... . 7) I ’m sure our project ... some day. 8) A lot of pictures ... to our school newspaper last week.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1) is always admired
2) will be studied
3) were buried
4) will be shared
5) were never respected-are never respected -will never be respected
6) will be made
7) will be improved
8) were contributed

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