В выходные я не скучала. Я нянчелась с братиком . 9 Мая мы с бабушкой ходили в парк. В парке мы катались на разных атркционах, кушали сладкую вату . Потом я пошла домой . Когда я пришла домой я сразу села читать . Вечером мы с семьёй поехали на салют . Когда салют закончился мы поехали домой.
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Ответ дал: Аноним
I did not miss the weekend. I was nursing with my brother. May 9, my grandmother and I went to the park. In the park, we skated in different countries, ate sweet cotton wool. Then I went home. When I got home, I immediately sat down to read. In the evening my family and I went to the salute. When the salute ended we went home.
Ответ дал: karpenkokateri
  I did not miss the weekend. I was nursing with my brother. On May 9, my grandmother and I went to the park. In the park, we skated in different countries, ate sweet cotton wool. Then I went home. When I got home, I immediately sat down to read. In the evening my family and I went to the salute. When the salute ended we went home.
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