Решите пожалуйста))))))))))



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1) 1 studies
2 studied
3 Did you come......
4 came
5 was, had
6 was
7 rested
8 go
9 washes
10 don't have
11 take
12 passed

2) I am going to brush my teeth
He is going to repair the car
We are going to learn Greek
I am going to write some postcards

3) He isn't going to help us
We aren't going to cook dinner tonight
I am not going to celebrate my birthday this year
She isn't going to stay with Amy
We aren't going to get up early next Sunday

4) Mary broke her arm yesterday
We go to the cinema on Saturdays
The film was at 8 o'clock yesterday
Max writes a letter to Kate
She reads book every evening
Yesterday I got a letter
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