Это задание с промежуточными контроля
Задание 3:Put the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative.
1.Harry is..... footballer in our team (young)
2. l am a..... swimmer than my brother. (strong)
3. Hockey is...... than a golf. (exciting) 4. Paul is..... than me at cycling. (fast)
5. Is Tracy..... at tennis than Michael? (good)
6. Kung Fu is..... one of martial arts. (old)


Ответ дал: Аноним
1.Harry is the youngest footballer in our team.
2. l am a stronger swimmer than my brother.
3. Hockey is more exciting than a golf.
4. Paul is faster than me at cycling.
5. Is Tracy better at tennis than Michael?
6. Kung Fu is the oldest one of martial arts.
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