Помогите пожалуйста. Вставте артикли везде, где требуется.

During Caesar's campaign [kasm'pein] against Rome he had to cross
... small river, ... Rubicon. ... river flowed on ... border between Gaul and
... Roman Republic. To cross ... Republican border with ... military force was equal to ... open declaration of ... war. Having ordered (приказав) his chariot to stop, Caesar sat thinking for ... long time hesitating what decision to take. Then, ready to face his future bravely, he said: "... die is cast," and ordered his troops into ... water.
After ... quick and easy victory over one of his opponents in Asia Minor, Caesar sent ... message which contained only three Latin words; ...
corresponding English words were: "I came,I saw,I conquered."


Ответ дал: nunny
During Caesar's campaign against Rome he had to cross a small river, the Rubicon. The river flowed on the border between Gaul and the Roman Republic. To cross the Republican border with a military force was equal to an open declaration of war. Having ordered his chariot to stop, Caesar sat thinking for a long time hesitating what decision to take. Then, ready to face his future bravely, he said: "The die is cast," and ordered his troops into the water. After a quick and easy victory over one of his opponents in Asia Minor, Caesar sent a message which contained only three Latin words; the
corresponding English words were: "I came, I saw, I conquered."

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